If you are a citizen of China you need a Schengen visa to visit Sweden. A Schengen visa is a permit to travel to and stay for a maximum of 90 days.
Visa can be granted for:
If you intend to stay in Sweden for longer than 90 days you will instead need a visitor’s permit.
You can find more information about Schengen visas and how to apply here.
The Consulate General accepts applications for national visas (D visas) and visitor’s permit from applicants who are residing within the Consulate’s jurisdiction (Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui). D-visa applications can be submitted on Monday to Friday between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Please note that a national visa can only be granted if there are special circumstances.
Applications for visitor's permits are handed in digitally. This applies only to persons that are outside Sweden and will make your application at the Consulate General of Sweden in Shanghai. Apply and pay the application fee by using this e-service.
Follow the links below for more information about what documents are required when applying for a visitor’s permit or national visa.
Requirements for a visitor’s permit
Apply for a visitor's permit or national visa (D visa)
In order to work in Sweden, you must have a work permit. Your application for work permit should be finalised before entering Sweden.
It is the Swedish Migration Agency that processes and decides upon your application for a work permit. For a full description of what rules apply, please visit their website.
For employment that lasts less than three months, you will also need a visa unless you’re exempted from the visa requirement for entry into Sweden. Please contact the Consulate by e-mail (generalkonsulat.shanghai-visum@gov.se) for more information about how to apply for a visa and a work permit for an intended stay that won’t exceed three months.
If you are going to study in Sweden for longer than three months, you must have a residence permit. Your application should be finalised before entering Sweden. If you will be studying for less than three months, you will instead need a visa unless you’re exempted from the visa requirement for entry into Sweden.
It is the Swedish Migration Agency that processes and decides upon your application for a residence permit for studies. For a full description of what rules apply, please visit their website.
In order to join your family or close relative in Sweden, you must have a residence permit. Your application for residence permit should be finalised before entering Sweden.
It is the Swedish Migration Agency that considers your right to a residence permit. For a full description of what rules apply, please visit their website.
The fastest and most convenient way to apply for a residence permit is to use the online application service at the Swedish Migration Agency's website. Here you can also find crucial information about the application procedure for different permits, the general document requirements and current processing times.
If you have been requested by the Swedish Migration Agency to make an appointment for an interview in your application for residence or work permit at the Consulate, please contact us by e-mail generalkonsulat.shanghai-visum@gov.se with the following information:
You can submit your biometrics at the Consualte General of Sweden in Shanghai from Monday to Friday between 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Please follow the link below for more information about the application fees.
When the residence permit card has arrived at the Consulate General you will receive an e-mail with information regarding the pick-up. Please note that we do not send out residence permit cards by mail.
You can find more information about residence permit cards here.