Embassy of Sweden
11 Montagu Place
London W1H 2AL
United Kingdom
Please note that all times below refer to local time in the UK.
Telephone hours: 9am-11am, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 020 7917 6400
E-mail: embassy.london@gov.se
Visiting hours: 9am-12 noon, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Booked appointments only after 12.
Email: ambassaden.london-pass@gov.se
The Embassy books passport appointments manually. We book the appointments in the order in which we receive the e-mails requesting a passport appointment.
Coordination number appointments are booked online.
Visiting hours, collection of passports/ID cards: 9am-12noon, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; and 2pm-3pm, Thursday
Visiting hours, emergency passports: 9-11am, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (NB: An emergency passport is only issued for urgent matters and very imminent journeys. Extra documentation is required. More information here.)
Email: ambassaden.london-migration@gov.se
Appointments, residence permits: Book an appointment by emailing the migration section (NB: Applications for visas are handled exclusively by VFS Global)
Telephone hours: 2pm-3pm, Thursday, 020 7917 6418.
Visiting hours: 9am-12noon, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (leaving biometric data, picking up of residence card, more information here)
21 June
26 August
24 December
25 December
26 December
31 December