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Consulate-General Istanbul, Türkiye

Hora local 22:48

Travel information

We regularly update the Consulate's travel information with current events. Here you can find more information in Swedish.

Travel information


Here you can find all information regarding passports, the application process and much more. The information is in Swedish. 

Photo: Paulina Cederskär

Coordination number

In order to make a passport application for a newborn baby or other Swedish citizen who does not have a Swedish passport, national id-card nor is registered in Sweden, the person in question needs a coordination number. Here you can find more information in Swedish.

Coordination number

Visa/residence permit

Here you can find information about how to apply for visa in order to travel to Sweden and residence permit in order to live in Sweden. The information is in English. 

Visa/residence permit
Illustration-hjälp till svenskar

Help to Swedish citizens abroad

Here you can find information of which help you can get as a Swedish citizen abroad. This includes information about passports, fees, driver license, marrige etc. The information is in Swedish.

Help to Swedish citizens abroad

Images © Paulina Cederskär 2020

Ska du resa hit eller är du redan här?

Generalkonsulatet erbjuder reseinformation och konsulär service för svenskar, före och under vistelsen.

Läs mer här

Non-swedish citizen interested in Sweden

Working in Sweden, travel to Sweden, study in Sweden or just interested in Sweden?

Read more here

Fazer negócios com a Suécia

Aqui poderá obter informação abrangente de como fazer negócios com a Suécia.

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Participação para o UD

Suspeita de irregularidades

Se suspeitar de crime ou de outras irregularidades ligadas às atividades do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, informe o Serviço de Supervisão Legal do UD (UD:s regeltillsyn). Obs! O formulário de participação está em inglês.

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Bem-vindo à Suécia

O site oficial para turismo e viagens na Suécia.

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Study in Sweden logotype

Universidades na Suécia

Studyinsweden é o site oficial para informações sobre estudos universitários na Suécia.

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