In order to make a passport application for a newborn baby or other Swedish citizen who does not have a Swedish passport, national id-card nor is registered in Sweden, the person in question needs a coordination number. Here you can find more information in Swedish.
Here you can find information about how to apply for visa in order to travel to Sweden and residence permit in order to live in Sweden. The information is in English.
Here you can find information of which help you can get as a Swedish citizen abroad. This includes information about passports, fees, driver license, marrige etc. The information is in Swedish.
Strandparken is an eight-story residential building in Sundbyberg, just north of Stockholm.
Since its construction in 2013, it has become an inspiration for architects around the world.
From structure to facade, it is made ...
Fazer negócios com a Suécia
Aqui poderá obter informação abrangente de como fazer negócios com a Suécia.
Se tiver alguma queixa ou suspeitar de crimes ou irregularidades relacionadas com as atividades da administração estrangeira, pode apresentar uma queixa/denuncia ao Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros.