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Embajada de Suecia London, United Kingdom

London 14:19
23 abr. 2024

Voting in the EU elections 2024 from the United Kingdom

If you live in the United Kingdom, you will be able to participate in the European Parliament election by either postal or advance voting at a polling station either at the embassy or at the consulates in Edinburgh and Belfast.

Read more about voting in the EU Elections 2024 here

Travel information

Up-to-date travel information about the UK.

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Passports & consular services

Passports, coordination numbers, citizenship, and more.

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Migration to Sweden

Visas, residence permits for work, studies, and tourism.

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Consular service for Swedish citizens

Are you a Swedish citizen in need of information regarding citizenship, passports or other?

Find information here

About Sweden

Working in Sweden, travel to Sweden, study in Sweden or just interested in Sweden?

Find information here


Notificación al Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores

Sospecha de irregularidades

Si sospecha que hubo un delito o alguna irregularidad con relación al servicio del exterior de Suecia, por favor notifíquelo mediante el formulario en inglés al departamento de supervisión reguladora del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores.

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Study in Sweden logotype

Estudiar en Suecia es un completo recurso oficial sobre la educación superior en Suecia para estudiantes internacionales.

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¡Le damos la bienvenida a Suecia!

Para planificar sus vacaciones visite la página web oficial de Suecia sobre turismo y viajes.

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