Embassy Staff

Johannes Oljelund is the Ambassador of Sweden to the Netherlands and Permanent Representative of Sweden to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the International Court of Justice (ICC).

Next to Ambassador Oljelund, the diplomatic staff consists of:

  • Minister Counsellor, responsible for Political Affairs and EU Affairs
  • First Secretary, responsible for EU Affairs and Trade Promotion
  • First Secretary, responsible for Legal and Multilateral Affairs
  • Minister Counsellor, Head of Administration and responsible for Consular Affairs
  • Defence Attaché 
  • Trade Commissioner (Business Sweden)

Administration, economy and consular questions are handeld by locally employed staff, as is the communication. For questions about the Embassy, please email: ambassaden.haag@gov.se  

We also provide two internships for Swedish students each semester. To learn more about the qualifications, please go to: (link to) Praktik i utlandet (in Swedish). 


Last updated 24 May 2024, 12.57 PM