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Embassy of SwedenBangkok, Thailand

Local time 11:34 AM

Visitor's permits will be handled digitally.

18 Mar 2021

From the 16th of March 2021, applications for visitor's permits (visits over 90 days) will be handled in digitally.

This applies only to persons that are outside Sweden and will make your application at the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok, Thailand. Apply and pay the application fee through the e-service available here: Visit Sweden for more than 90 days – apply for a visi­tor’s permit - Swedish Migration Agency (

When you conclude your application in the e-service, you will be directed to a page where you book an appointment for a physical visit at the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok. During this visit you will show your passport and conclude your application with an interview. You will also give your fingerprints and have your photo taken.

Paper applications can be submitted at the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok until the 30th of March 2021. From the 1st of April 2021 all applicants will be referred to use the e-service.

For more informaiton, please click here.


Last updated 18 Mar 2021, 1.55 PM