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Embassy of SwedenBern, Switzerland

Local time 10:19 PM

Celebrate the National Day of Sweden with us! (6 June, 10:30)

06 Jun 2021, 10.30 AM

On Sunday, we celebrate Sweden's National Day by inviting you to a digital celebration! Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess with Her Family will send a National Day greeting from Sweden and H.E. Jan Knutsson, Ambassador of Sweden to Switzerland and Liechtenstein, will send National Day greetings from Bern.

The program consists of performances by Swedish music stars like José González, international music sensation Léon and the supergroup Amason.
And there's lots more! Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess and Her Family will send a National Day greeting. Tiktok phenomenon and comedian Liam Kalevi digs deeper into why we celebrate our National Day. The Cullberg dance company shows us a different reality in 'Cullberg working from home'.
As if that wasn't enough, choirs will make your eyes tear and star chefs your mouth water.
6 June, 10:30 here on Facebook!
(English version with German subtitles)

#CelebrateWithSweden #NationalDay2021

Last updated 02 Jun 2021, 6.07 PM