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Embassy of SwedenPretoria, South Africa

Local time 12:24 AM

Girls Take Over: Ambassador for the Day Programme

Are you a girl aged 16-20 and interested in becoming the Swedish ambassador in South Africa for a day? Apply to spend the day immersed in the world of diplomacy.

UM2024/01544/PRET Ambassadör för en dag / Ambassador for a Day

To celebrate International Women´s Day, globally commemorated on the 8 March, the Embassy is inviting young girls to spend the day as the ambassador for the day. We are looking for young girls, dedicated to making their mark for gender equality, human rights and democracy.

What is expected?

Our ambassador will spend the day shadowing members of our diplomatic team, actively participating in meetings with other diplomats, decision makers and representatives from civil society. At the end of the working, you will be expected to reflect on the experience and work you have done. The ambassador´s work day will start at 08.30 and finish at 16.30, on 5 March 2024. 

Eligibility requirements: 

  1. Aged 16-20 years old
  2. Interested in gender equality, human rights and democracy
  3. Resident of Johannesburg or Pretoria
  4. Registered learner/student at a high school/university

Still interested? Read below on how to apply:  

  1. Submit a motivational letter (250 words max) explaining why you are interested in the position.
  2. Submit a short CV of ONE page indicating what your interests and activities taken to promote or improve the life of your community. This could be an action you have initiated, or taken part in, which promotes equality, provides assistance for disadvantaged people or cares for the environment.
  3. Written consent from your parents/legal guardian (for minors).

Submit your application by 1 February 2024. Applications and inquiries must be sent to, with the subject "Ambassador for the Day" #girlstakeover2024.

Last updated 18 Jan 2024, 8.37 AM