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Embassy of SwedenBelgrade, Serbia

Local time 1:04 PM

Welcome to the Embassy of Sweden in Belgrade

The Embassy of Sweden in Belgrade is tasked with representing Sweden and the Swedish government works to strengthen in Serbia and in Montenegro.  The agenda comprises political dialogue, development cooperation, trade and Sweden promotion, consular issues, and migration.

The Western Balkan region is of strategic importance for Sweden. Sweden allocates substantial political and financial resources to support the region’s countries in their EU integration efforts.

Since 1998, Sweden has significantly contributed to Serbia's democratization, security, and reform processes. Current efforts focus on supporting Serbia’s EU reforms on environmental protection, human rights, the rule of law, democracy, gender equality, and inclusive economic growth.

Through Sida’s regional program for the Western Balkans, Sweden supports similar efforts in Montenegro, focusing on environmental protection, human rights, and democratic governance.

The Embassy employs 26 people, including six diplomats, a Defence Attaché and representatives of the Swedish Customs Administration and the Swedish Police.

Ambassador Annika Ben David is the Head of Mission since 1 September 2021.

The chancery is situated in the Dedinje district, where many diplomatic missions are found. The Swedish Ambassador’s residence was designed by architect Jordan Petrovic and built in 1935 by Jeremija Zivanovic, a prominent writer, editor, and political figure.

The villa was seized during World War II by Nazi and Italian forces and later used by partisan officers. Zivanovic’s son Marko inherited the house and sold it the Swedish government in 1969.

The villa is part of a cultural heritage area as per Serbian law, managed by the Swedish Property Agency, representing Swedish cultural heritage abroad.

Last updated 03 Jun 2024, 1.08 PM