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Embassy of SwedenKabul, Afghanistan

Local time 5:47 AM


Postal address

As of 16 August 2021, the Embassy’s work is being conducted from Stockholm.


+46 8 405 10 00


The Embassy of Sweden in Kabul will close on 31 August

The Embassy of Sweden in Kabul, which has been relocated to Stockholm since August 2021, will close on 31 August 2024.

More information about the closing of the embassy

The international evacuation effort from Kabul International Airport has ended. 

Swedish citizens and residence permit holders are advised to contact UD-jouren +46 (0)8 405 50 05. The switchboard is operated 24 hours. 

Applications for residence permit in Sweden, including all claims that refer to asylum and protection, are processed by the Swedish Migration Agency.

If you are currently displaced or outside of Afghanistan, or have questions about re-settlement or protection you are advised to contact the UNHCR.