If you want to move to Sweden to live with your family or a close relative, you need a residence permit. The Embassy of Sweden in Skopje is responsible for applications when the applicant is legally residing in North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Apply for residence permit in Sweden online through the Swedish Migration Agency’s website.
Your family member has to fill in a questionnaire. Once you have sent in your application, he or she will automatically receive an e-mail with instructions. The family member must reply to the questions within two weeks.
Contact the Embassy once you have received an e-mail from the Swedish Migration Agency to book a time for interview. You book a time for interview by filling in this form.
Bring your passport and the originals of the documents you attached to your application to the interview.
These are the fees to move to someone in Sweden.
All appointments for interviews for family reunification are made through the Embassy and are free of charge. The Embassy has nothing to do with any individuals who offer these services for payment, and no agencies can influence the waiting time. If you for some reason are unable to apply online, it is possible to give a power of attorney to the person you are moving to. He or she can then submit the application in the e-service for you.
After the interview, your case will transferred back to the Swedish Migration Agency that will decide in your case. If you did not attend the interview or did not book an appointment at the Embassy in time, your case will be transferred to the Swedish Migration Agency and your application may be rejected.
When the Swedish Migration Agency has decided in your case, you will be informed through the e-mail stated in your application. The actual decision will be sent to your family member in Sweden if you have authorized him or her to represent you. Otherwise, you will be informed of the decision by the Embassy. The Embassy will contact you by sending an e-mail or calling the telephone number you provided when you applied for residence permit.
No decisions will be sent through e-mail.