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Embaixada da Suécia Pristina, Kosovo

Hora local 04:22

The Embassy's Opening Hours

Opening hours and consular services

The embassy is open for phone calls and visits on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 09.00 and 11.00. You can also contact us on e-mail:

Visa to Sweden

Starting from the 01.01.2024 citizens of Kosovo can travel without a visa to the Schengen area (incl. Sweden) for short - term stays of up to 90 days within a period of 180 days. 

Contact and Opening hours

Travel to Sweden

The entry ban ended 31 March 20212, meaning that no corona specific entry restrictions are in effect from 1 April 2022. Negative test or vaccine certificates are not required to enter Sweden. Ordinary entry requirements applies, like holding a valid travel document, and possibly a visa. 

The Swedish entry ban

Travel to Kosovo

As of May 1, 2022, Kosovo does not seek your vaccination status records, however we recommend you bring your vaccination records with you.

The latest government decision can be found here English

Travel restrictions in Kosovo

Fazer negócios com a Suécia

Aqui poderá obter informação abrangente de como fazer negócios com a Suécia.

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Participação para o UD

Suspeita de irregularidades

Se suspeitar de crime ou de outras irregularidades ligadas às atividades do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, informe o Serviço de Supervisão Legal do UD (UD:s regeltillsyn). Obs! O formulário de participação está em inglês.

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Bem-vindo à Suécia

O site oficial para turismo e viagens na Suécia.

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Study in Sweden logotype

Universidades na Suécia

Studyinsweden é o site oficial para informações sobre estudos universitários na Suécia.

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