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Apply for the ITP Training on SRHR

23 Jul 2018

Do you want to make a difference in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)? Apply to the International Training Programme in SRHR before October 01, 2018!

 The overall objective of the training programme is to develop capacity among potential future leaders and managers in the field of SRHR in the participating countries to design and implement high quality satisfactory SRHR services and information for the population.

Closing date for applications is October 01,2018.

The countries eligible to apply for this round are: Liberia, South Sudan, Uganda and Zimbabwe. Candidates should hold a Bachelor Degree or equivalent Diploma.

The programme is primarily directed towards mid-career obstetricians, gynecologists and midwives but also towards policymakers, program managers and civil society organizations/private sector at national and regional level (applicants from INGOs are not eligible).

An important aspect of the programme is the change project that participants design, develop and implement in collaboration with their organisations and through the support of a supervisor from Lund University.

For more information and application see:  and

Read the Brochure:
Brochure ITP300 SRHR 2019A.pdf

And download the application form: ITP300 SRHR Application form 2019A.pdf

Last updated 23 Jul 2018, 10.14 AM