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Permanent MissionUN, New York

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Nordic statement at the UN Security Council Open Debate on Peacebuilding

03 Nov 2022

Joint Nordic Statement delivered by Ambassador Anna Karin Eneström on behalf of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden at the UN Security Council Open Debate on Peacebuilding, New York, 3 November 2022


Members of the Security Council,

I have the pleasure to submit this statement on behalf of the Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and my own country, Sweden.

The whole of our United Nations System must be geared up to tackle the global challenges of today. Violent conflicts are growing in numbers, and they are getting more protracted. Conflict dynamics are exacerbated by increasing inequalities, humanitarian- and food crises, complex security threats and climate change.

Holistic and integrated approaches are necessary to face these challenges. The same applies to UN Peace Operations, which need robust and flexible mandates that are adequately resourced, in order to empower them to respond to changing dynamics.

Considerations around prevention, resilience and peacebuilding should make up integral parts of Peace Operations. This requires thorough conflict analysis, identifying root causes of conflict and fragility, as well as sources of resilience. Complementarity with other actors like UN agencies, regional entities, as well as with international and local civil society organizations across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus is an essential part of this approach.  

The Nordic countries would like to highlight four key points towards Integrating Effective Resilience-Building in Peace Operations for Sustainable Peace:

First: Broad-based national ownership, and the active engagement of actors at all levels of society is necessary to build and sustain peace. Peace Operations cannot replace the need for political will of conflict parties to pursue peace, nor the host state’s sovereign responsibilities. In this regard we stress that protection of civilians, including children, must be a main priority. 

We encourage greater integration of police and law enforcement perspectives in Peace Operations. An effective police force, judiciary system, and corrections service– with human rights and rule of law at heart – is a prerequisite for peace. 

Civil society inclusion and empowerment of vulnerable communities is vital and can prevent acceleration of conflict dynamics. The WPS agenda must guide UN Peace Operations to enhance full, effective, equal and meaningful participation of women. Similarly, the role of youth in prevention and resolution of conflicts is a key aspect, as well as the inclusion of persons with disabilities. 

Second: Partnerships. Regional organizations such as the EU and AU should be actively engaged in political processes and security efforts in UN Peace Operation settings to enhance strategic coherence and complementarity of efforts. We furthermore encourage cohesion with peacekeeping efforts under African subregional organizations, including ECOWAS, as well as initiatives such as the Accra Initiative, in line with commitments made under “A4P”.

Coherent and complementary approaches within the UN are equally important. The UN Peacebuilding Commission, with its convening and bridging mandate, plays an important role in promoting coherence. Stronger linkages between the PBC and Security Council can help ensure that national peacebuilding priorities are brought to the council’s attention at an early stage and should be promoted.

Third: Building peace requires adequate resources. Nordic countries are among key contributors to the UN Peacebuilding Fund, jointly responsible for over 30% of its funding. The resolution on financing for peacebuilding, unanimously adopted by the General Assembly, stresses the importance of sufficient funding to support peacebuilding activities of PKOs and SPMs throughout their lifecycle and in their transition phase.

Lastly: Climate change and climate-related security risks must be an integral part of Peace Operations as it adversely affects already vulnerable populations. We encourage more countries to support the UN Climate Security Mechanism, which among other things has sent advisors to UN missions.

I thank you.

Last updated 03 Nov 2022, 2.37 PM