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Embaixada da Suécia Bamako, Mali

Hora local 20:01

September 30 is the last day to visit the embassy office

September 30 will be the last day that the embassy office in Bamako is open to visitors. This will imply changes to the handling of residence and work permits, visa applications, passports and consular matters.

Passport applications

The last day for Swedish citizens to apply for a passport at the embassy office in Bamako is September 13, 2024. After September 13, you are referred to other Swedish embassies with an assignment to handle passports.

Consular matters

If you need consular support after September 13, you are referred to the Swedish embassy in Abuja .

Residence ­and work permits

If you want to apply for a work permit, residence permit for studies or residence permit to live with a family member in Sweden, you are referred to the Swedish embassies in Rabat, Morocco, or Abuja, Nigeria.

In addition to Malian citizens, the services hitherto provided by the Swedish embassy in Bamako also include citizens of Burkina Faso, Gambia, Guinea-Conakry, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania and Niger.

Find contact information for Swedish embassies and consulates general at

If you have already been in contact with the embassy in Bamako and are waiting for a residence permit card to be able to move to Sweden, you will be contacted to get information about your card.

Application for a Schengen visa

If you live in Mali, or in any of the other countries hitherto served by the Swedish embassy in Bamako, and you want to apply for a Schengen visa to visit Sweden, you are referred to one of VFS Global's offices within the area of responsibility pf the Swedish embassy in Nairobi. VFS offices are located in:

  • Kenya (Nairobi)
  • Ethiopia (Addis Ababa)
  • Nigeria (Abuja, Lagos)
  • South Africa (Pretoria, Durban, Cape Town)
  • Tanzania (Dar es Salaam)
  • Zambia (Lusaka)
  • Zimbabwe (Harare)
  • Uganda (Kampala)

VFS Global is an external service provider that receives applications for Schengen visas, but it is the Swedish embassy in Nairobi that makes decisions on visa applications in Sub-Saharian Africa.

Read more about VFS Global.

For more information please see the website of the Embassy of Sweden in Nairobi

If you have further questions about Schengen visas, please contact the embassy in Nairobi

Email to the Embassy in Nairobi

Sveriges ambassader i Bamako och Ouagadougou avvecklas och en ny ambassad i Dakar planeras att etableras

Regeringen har fattat beslut om att Sveriges ambassader i Bamako (Mali) och Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) ska avvecklas. För ett fortsatt effektivt engagemang i Sahel och Västafrika har regeringen även fattat beslut om att inleda en process för att etablera en ny ambassad i Dakar (Senegal). Avvecklingarna beräknas vara slutförda i slutet av 2024. Den nya ambassaden i Dakar beräknas öppna under 2025 och Sverige för dialog med Senegal om förutsättningarna för detta.

Läs mer i pressmeddelandet på regeringens webbplats
Última atualização 25 jun 2024

Uppmaning till svenskar utomlands

Hotbilden mot Sverige och svenska intressen utomlands är sedan tidigare förhöjd. Svenskar utomlands uppmanas att iaktta ökad försiktighet och förhöjd vaksamhet samt att lyssna på lokala myndigheters råd. Svenskar utomlands uppmanas också att skriva upp sig på svensklistan samt ladda ner den senaste versionen av appen UD Resklar och där aktivera pushnotiser för aktuellt land.

Uppmaning till svenskar utomlands
Última atualização 24 jul 2024