Sweden & Russia Russia


Most people have to pay a fee when applying for a residence permit to move to a close relative in Sweden. The fee will not be refunded if your application is rejected.

Adults: 14400 roubles (SEK 2000)
Children under 18: 7200 roubles (SEK 1000)

How to pay

If you are applying online, you pay with a credit card or a bank card on the web.
If you are applying on a paper form, you must pay the application fee, in RUR, at the time of submission.


The following persons can apply for a residence permit without having to pay a fee:

  • Husbands, wives, registered partners or common-law spouses (cohabitees) and children under the age of 18 who are applying for a residence permit on the grounds of family ties to a foreign citizen who has received a residence permit as a refugee, as a person in need of protection or due to particularly distressing circumstances. Parents and siblings of children in need of protection and living in Sweden are not covered by the exemptions.

  • Family members of EU/EEA citizens. (Please note that Swedes do not count as EU citizens in this context.)

  • EU/EEA citizens

  • Citizens of Switzerland and their family members

  • Citizens of Japan.