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Embassy of Sweden Dhaka, Bangladesh

Local time 6:52 AM

Recommendation to Swedes abroad

The threat to Sweden and Swedish interests abroad was already classed as heightened. In light of the fact that two Swedes have been killed in Brussels following a terrorist act, Swedes abroad are encouraged to exercise increased caution and vigilance, and follow the advice of local authorities. Swedes abroad are also encouraged to register on the list of Swedish citizens abroad, and download the UD Resklar app and activate push notifications for the country in question.

Register on the list of Swedish citizens abroad (only in Swedish)
Last updated 17 Oct 2023

Visa information

18 Sep 2023

The Embassy in Sweden represents a number of other countries within the Schengen area for the issuing of short stay visas up to 90 days, for example for tourism, family visits or shorter business trips. You can find more information here on the website under “Visiting Sweden”. The Embassy does NOT process residence permits or work permits for any other countries. If you intend to move to any other country than Sweden you must contact that country’s national authorities directly.


Frequently asked questions

Do you want to know more about Sweden?


Doing business with Sweden

Here you can get comprehensive information on how to do business with Sweden.

Doing business with Sweden

Welcome to Sweden

Plan your holiday on Sweden's official website for tourism and travel information.

Visit Sweden
Study in Sweden logotype

Universities in Sweden is the official resource on higher education in Sweden for international students.

Study in Sweden
Suspected irregularities

Report to the MFA

If you suspect that a crime or irregularities have occurred in connection with Swedish Foreign Service activities, please report to MFA Head of Compliance.

Report to the MFA at

The website is the official website of the Swedish Government and the Government Offices.

GDPR Request

GDPR Request

Request for register extract, rectification, erasure or restriction of personal data in central systems.

GDPR Request